Immune-regulative Molecular Therapy
Most diseases and health problems, such as premature aging, loss of vitality, immune deficiency, declining memory performance, chronic diseases such as rheumatism and diabetes Type 2, developmental disorder in childhood or degenerative cell diseases such as cancer are not only caused by one source. Very often it occurs due to imbalance of organ system. This is the reason why treating separate symptoms with medicine can reduce the suffering only for a certain time, since the basis of the illness still exists.
Additional in our times ecological damage and stress which cause 30% of health problems are considerable threats to our well-being. They very often are connected with physical and psychological wear and tear.
More and more, conventional medicine is in research of supplementary holistic methods and is finding solution in the modern cell therapy according to Prof. Dr. Niehans, which has been considerably developed by Prof. Dr. Landsberger from Heidelberg University Hospital in close cooperation with Stephanie Dreyer.
Cell therapy is made available for in he worldwide unique Humanio Institute in Bingen. This therapy is embedded in a holistic, naturopathic system therapy in close cooperation with medicines and experts all over the world.
Within the cell-therapy at HUMANIO institute, you will receive an individually arranged composition of xenogeneic cell preparations via injections. The molecular compositions derive from juvenile donor animals, which are prepared in co-operation with our partner laboratory under stringent sterile conditions to treat your individual ailment.
The cell preparations will not directly be implanted into your organism, but will stimulate and activate your organs to regenerate and revitalise themselves. The diffusion within the connective tissue as well as the oxygen- and efficiency-levels of each cell are the fundamentals for a physical regeneration. If these factors are not considered sufficiently, the self-healing capacities are not used to their fullest.
A comprehensive diagnosis and a lot of experience are required for the optimal composition of your cell preparations. In our case we supply and guarantee this required knowledge through a very close alliance with the “Naturopathy practice Stephanie Dreyer” which is situated in the same building. More than 30 years of experience in the segment of cell-therapy as well as a focus on rather complex cases ensure that you are in the very best hands possible.
A typical therapy cycle will therefore commence with a comprehensive analysis followed by a detoxification therapy with injections. The cell injections will follow on the third day, and are therapeutically monitored during bed rest. Generally the treatment will be completed after five days. You will be given therapeutic recommendations for the continuation of your therapy by your medical practitioner and, if necessary, drink ampoules and capsules to continue the treatment.